1 min read

18,000 kilometres — from one tiny island to another

18,000 kilometres — from one tiny island to another

I’m thrilled to have been selected to attend a Singla Creative Group Residency on the arctic island of Arnøya in Norway in July 2024. (No, I hadn’t heard of this place until a few months ago. Yes, I had to look Arnøya up on a map too).

Singla is an historic homestead on Arnøya that Hannah Viano and her partner Joe Talbert are re-imagining “as a base for the arts, research, education, and adventure”. It’s going to take me back to basics in their small 1850s farmhouse — shared accommodation, incinerating toilet, no showers or laundry facilities — just a sauna and a VERY COLD ocean to throw myself into.

I’m really excited to explore the landscapes there that are so different to the ones on my island home… I intend to make some new work, both individually and in collaboration with the people I’ll meet. (My time at Singla is shared with other artists, as this is a group creative residence, so I’m excited to see how we might inspire each other’s work.)

In the months leading up to my departure (July 2024), I’ll be selling a new hand-made book, plus a few of my photographs*. This will help fund my flights and other expenses to get me the ~18,000 kilometres from one island to the other.

Keep an eye out here, and on instagram, for updates.

* If there’s any photographs I’ve shared here that you are particularly interested in buying, please let me know. I’ll be making both digital and physical prints available so you have the option to print at home if you wish.