from there and here
1 // there: venice italy, march 2008. canon g9
2 // here: lunch at mudbrick, waiheke island. canon 5d mkii
from there and here
1 // there: san francisco, march 2007. panasonic dmc-tz1
2 // here: our garden, today. canon 5d mkii
as you end what you've begun
1 // waiheke island weather report: a most auspicious day for travel. now is the time for happiness. lucky number 13.
based on the cold sun
1 // waiheke island weather report: cold, wild weather. check the vege gardens for hail damage. snatch moments throughout the day
and all the others that i love
1 // waiheke island weather report: skies enigmatically grey – first anointing me with a soft patter of rain, turning torrential, then
the changing winds
1 // waiheke island weather report: wake early to the sound of rain and the stirring of the dawn chorus. alongside
fold this part, unfold this part
1 // waiheke island weather report: the sun still rises & sets – inviolate and impeccable – clearly indifferent to the whereabouts of
how we dwell there
1 // waiheke island weather report: a glimmer of sunshine & a warm sea to swim in this morning. cloudy &
a beautiful light
1 // waiheke island weather report: hold on to this – the wildness, the stillness, the transformation, the generously blue drinkable sky
come back tonight
1 // waiheke island weather report: wake up filled with unrest; there’s windy weather to match the tumult in your