3 min read

attention inventory

a list of current curiosities, fresh experiences, the 'me du jour'—a collection of recent recollections, recounted through the senses.
attention inventory
the lighthouse • tiritiri matangi island • auckland, nz
a male korimako, in all his visual (and vocal) splendour • tiritiri matangi


  • the symmetry of the spring equinox brings the first pīpīwharauroa songs of the season to my attention. even though these birds are sneaky and lay their eggs in the tiny riroriro's nest, i am always excited to hear their calls. it means we are well on our way back to the summer months, which i am very much looking forward to (this—and every—year)
  • to riorio, tūī, hihi, korimako, tieke, kōkako, pōpokatea and other native birds as they zoom across our path and through the canopy on a recent visit to tiritiri matangi.
  • waking to witness the dawn chorus, the timpani of rain on the roof, and milo quietly snoring as he lies curled up between my feet
tasty meals for busy humans with thanks to nadiya hussain


  • chicken broth. honouring the hens by coaxing every last bit of nourishment from their bones.
  • quick and easy lunch dishes made possible by having a stash of nadiya hussains instant noodle paste in the fridge. it makes a generous amount of paste and is great for quickly adding flavour to stir fries and other dishes.
  • a first attempt at kanelsnurrer (norwegian cinnamon buns) is spectacularly unsuccessful. they didn't rise (too cold) so were not suitable for giving away (my original intention). more attempts will be made until i have perfected the dough.
  • this easy, and very delicious, cardamom cake. i fell in love with the flavour being used in baking when visiting norway and have made a couple since coming home.
what bird are you?? no clue, there's too much splashing in the bath
taking some deep breaths • tiritiri matangi island


in focus

  • 🎶 brown paper packages, tied up with string 🎶 small gifts being sent near and far.
  • easy meals for busy weeks. the instant noodle paste will feature again this week i'm sure.
  • christmas up at dundle hill (fingers crossed they have space available, i've been wanting to do this walk / hut visit for years).
  • a road trip with friends in the summer holidays. destination: tasmania.
  • clearing out the bags of ‘work appropriate clothes’ stored away when i finished my last office-based job. saved for the next one, and no longer needed as my current role is much more casual wardrobe-wise.


  1. this small & beautifully designed, folding book (and ipad) holder. (because we chose to live in a very small house, discoveries like this are always very exciting)
  2. sunshine candles & laundry day perfume


  • sun and salt water on my skin
  • hopeful

[post inspired by the moon lists]