11 . 19

I have a fondness for piers and boardwalks. Places I could sit and dangle my legs above the tree canopy or the ocean… if only I wasn’t in such a tremendous hurry to be somewhere else all the time.
I was reading an article about food memoir this morning (hands up who loves this type of non-fiction – I sure do!).
…and it reminded me of reading Molly Wizenberg’s book Delanceys.
…and I was reminded of the recipe for sautéed dates with olive oil and sea salt that I tried and was totally delicious that I’d forgotten about.
…and how there’s plump medjool dates in our fridge so I’m going to dig them out and do just that with them.
Then, thinking about cookery books, also reminded me of one I was gifted that had a page torn out because my girlfriend wanted that recipe and removed it before she gave it to me. That still makes me laugh and think of her every time I open the book.
I had the best email today. From another friend who is still making bread from the sourdough mother I gifted her when we left the UK. That makes me all kinds of happy.
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