Five things to be thoughtful about this Monday

(on a Tuesday)
1 // The tools matter and the tools don’t matter
Thoughts from Austin Kleon on tools and the creative process
2 // The Vast Bay Leaf Conspiracy
No. Really. This is serious.
3 // “The Words We Speak But Never Say”
by Photographer Carter Moore. “The Words We Speak But Never Say” is a photo series captured over the course of one month and surrounds the days after Moore’s father-in-law took his own life. As he explains:
The images are somewhat of a documentary experience detailing the events following his passing, a reflection on suicide, and how words affect us, whether spoken or unspoken. We all have things that we have either wished we’ve never said to somebody else, or in my experience, wished we would have said to somebody else but never did. Too often though we don’t think about the things we’ve spoken, whether negative or positive, until those words can no longer fall on ears which will receive them.
4 // What Your Toilet Paper Reveals About Your Personality
5 // According to NASA scientists…
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