how many photographs is too many?

i went for a walk this morning after i’d dropped nic at the ferry, following the little pathways up and down the hillside from little oneroa to fisherman’s rock a couple of bays away.
it was a beautiful morning and i made a lot of photographs in amongst the marvelling; it felt great to be out in the early morning light, exploring the little island where we live, savouring the quiet start to the day.
i had such a lovely time this morning that i wanted to include you; as if by looking at these photographs you’d really feel like you’d come with me.
since i want for you to really get a sense of how it felt to be out there, i’m now sitting here wondering exactly how many photos i need to share to achieve that?!?
- shall i show them to you in a big long line down the page, or as a gallery?
- should i split this up into multiple posts?
- how many photos will you scroll through before you get bored?
- (how many photos would i be willing to scroll through before i got bored?)
i just don’t know!
(i even looked on the internet for answers, but didn’t find anything that was really all that helpful.)
so, i’m working on the premise that we are all busy, and showing you too many photos of my morning would be like that time you had to sit at your great uncle steve’s house, pretending to be interested as he showed you about a gazillion photos of his trip to europe last year whilst he added what felt like hours of commentary to every. single. one.
i want to leave you feeling like you’d been there… wanting more glimpses, not fewer.
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