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ko ngā mahi toi (the arts)

My journey to Arnøya is featured in the arts section of the Gulf News this week
ko ngā mahi toi (the arts)
Swimming in Øvre Elvedalsvannet lake • Arnøya, Norway. July 2024

My journey to Arnøya for the group creative residency at Singla last month has been featured in the arts column of this week's Gulf News. Emma Hughes (a local Waiheke artist and our arts columnist) has transformed some of my writing into a piece that tells the story of a tiny fragment of my creative encounter.

Like any other lived experience, it's unlikely that I'll ever be able to articulate just how profoundly affected I was by my time at the residency.

Though it's not mentioned in the article, the people that I met there were the most transformative source of inspiration for me and have influenced a bunch of the creative practices I've been enjoying since my return home.


My creative companions were: Gabriel Dawe, Isobel Coney, Ocean Holliday, Naty Ezequiela Gómez + our hosts, Starlight and Storm (Hannah Viano, Joe Talbert & their son Ely)