
I was fortunate enough to receive a preview copy of A Beautiful Anarchy by David duChemin and i really enjoyed it. For me, it reads like a set of personal essays and i think it’s the next best thing to chatting with David in person over a glass of wine or whisky about creativity, and art, as life. you can buy your own copy (kindle, paperback, pdf) here.
I buy Driftways by Sarah Elwell and am enchanted by characters i felt like I could climb right into the heart of. An evocative collection of tales that could be myth or real life, or a combination of the two.
I was also lucky enough to get a preview copy of Meg’s incredible book Unfurl a few years ago and I’m beyond thrilled that this is now published and available for you to read and enjoy too. So many parts of this book spoke to me deeply; characters that could have been me, their words and thoughts were so close to my own personal experiences, words i could have spoken myself if i had ever dared speak them aloud. Ditch the self-help books and take a read of this (you can also listen to Meg’s lovely voice reading the first chapter here too).
we adopted a cat from the spca called milo. he is five years old and seems to be enjoying his new home here with us.
weekends collected is revived, gets a new theme and contributions are trickling in. i would love to have you joining us.
i finished the bathroom cabinet and its now hanging above the sink – a very welcome addition as it has more than doubled our cupboard space in there
and i find a bedside cabinet that is the perfect replacement for the current handbasin cupboard, as well as a lovely wood match to the cabinet i restored.
there was kiwifruit kasundi, pear & fennel seed, apple & date, and spicy feijoa chutneys made, as well as some apple cider!
and i’ve also packed 70+ lemons and 40+ limes into salt for preserving
a triumphant (& full on) return to a regular exercise routine that has me feeling great, if a little sore some days
five days off the island visiting family and friends and dropping my art off in napier ready for exhibiting in july – nice to be away, but even nicer to come home again
how’s things in your world?
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