off the grid

{postcards from nydia bay, pelorous sounds}
hello friends,
a new year, the turn of a page, every new day that begins is a chance to start fresh. wash off the slough of the previous day and face the sun with clear intentions and a hopeful heart.
returning to a simple, uncomplicated life (even if only for the tiniest moment) was the way we chose to greet the new year. we were off grid – no cell-phone reception, no telephone, no tv, no internet – in a cabin with solar power, septic tank, wood-burning stove, water from a dam up the ridge. floating in the cool, still water of the morning in the silence of the bay, i didn’t wish for my life to be anything other than what it is. i sit. i breathe. i take it all in.
i have had time to contemplate a word-for-the-year and it seems likely to have chosen me. tapping me insistently on the shoulder, vying for attention amongst the rest of the clamour that goes on in my head. i find my self paradoxically rested and restless. feeling like i am gaining a deeper understanding of myself, all the while standing on shaky ground.
hoping you have peace in your heart and are excited about the year ahead
with love, always
our transportation – a float plane dropped us right in the bay
part of the marlborough sounds
i think this kettle has been around for as long as the shack!
a tribute to andy goldsworthy – one of my many sources of inspiration
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