morning | evening
do you ever wonder about the origin of words? today i’ve been pondering umbrella. and getting nostalgic for the
the past month
i’ve been feeling like my creative practise has been woefully neglected the past couple of years, so
morning | evening
Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things
morning | evening
i land the end of the week at zero, with rest being something i am moving towards. checking in with
morning | evening
I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.
morning | evening
today i am thinking about daily and seasonal rituals, the friendships that sustain me and the ones that really aren’
morning | evening
What is precious
inside us does not
care to be known
by the mind
in ways that diminish
its presence.
a space for scraps
love the idea of the passenger project. contemplating starting one of these on my next long-haul flight
the me of now
a survey of present interests, curiosities, recurring themes … a short list of current fascinations
1. body jam has become my
a recent inventory
a sight // for five years our little myer lemon tree has struggled to hang on to its blossoms, most of