
1 // morning light
2 // manuka blooms
3 // Milo is never far away when i’m messing around outside
4 // after the rain
5 // it’s getting warm enough to have the windows open now. and i love the one in our bathroom – it reminds me of my grandmother’s old house
6 // nic goes out to talk geeky stuff with a mate over breakfast, so i enjoy a bagel cut into three for my breakfast (more marmalade that way)
7 // post-smudging incense burning
8 // a lazy afternoon
9 // sunday we are awake before dawn, grabbing exercise gear from these baskets to go do 30 minutes of high intensity interval training on the beach before breakfast
10 // fairy lights are pretty much a standard fitting in our house
11 // after breakfast Nic does a spring dip in support of prostate cancer research and wins a $100 voucher from one of the local vineyards!
12 // me and the girl next door
13 // lunch with nic’s parents for fathers day
14 // these are the good old days
15 // chasing light
16 // the colour of our weekend
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