scenes from the weekend

There are certain people who come into your life, and leave a mark. Their place in your heart is tender; a bruise of longing, a pulse of unfinished business. Just hearing their name pushes and pulls at you in a hundred ways, and when you try to define those hundred ways, describe them even to yourself, words are useless.
– Sara Zarr
friday afternoon i make pizza dough using a bertinet recipe, then form a giant pizza base when nic gets home.
we smother it in devilishly good toppings and eat by firelight, renting a movie which neither of us manages to stay awake through.
saturday we rise early, nic collecting a trailer load of stones which we spread on our driveway.
1 // a hearty breakfast, then a trip to the native plant centre for some trees to plant around our new water tank comes next
2 // it’s raining out, so we shower and i decide that an afternoon in my pj’s drinking tea and reading on the sofa is in order, so that’s exactly what i do. milo decides he quite likes my plan, as does nic, so all three of us end up piled on the sofa watching the rain fall outside.
3 // sunday morning included quite a lot of pinterest, one photo resulting in a decision to make buttermilk pancakes for breakfast.
4 // i did some sewing, whilst he did some coding.
another beautiful weekends collected post by Michelle GD was published and some photos were sent off for the latest words to shoot by prompt.
a wander through photos from our time living in the uk brings some sadness for that which is far from here. friends mostly. i miss them every day, but today the missing is a tender spot in my breast that aches something fierce.
then we both went to the cinema to see the dark horse (very, very, VERY good)
it’s the first official day of spring tomorrow and there’s already some gorgeous pink blooms i see when i walk to the gym now. i’m looking forward to a long summer on our sunny deck.
have a great week everyone!
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