the past month

i’ve been feeling like my creative practise has been woefully neglected the past couple of years, so i’ve made a change at the beginning of october – posting two photos a day with whatever words feel like they need to get out. and shifting my focus during the ferry journey in the morning from work activities to writing morning pages again keeps me from tipping over the edge into crazyland. right now, the most effective way of reclaiming my creative habits is to start exactly where i am, with the smallest of actions, knowing that these build into castles of creativity over time.
art experience
i’ve not had much interaction with art in the world this month, but i’ve recently been introduced to the art of kathryn engberg. i love the way she chooses to depict women.
nic gifted us a float each last month. i love the feeling of being held by the salty water, alone in the darkness with my thoughts. i’ve also booked tickets for the world of wearable art awards, gifting myself something i’ve been intending to go to for years. making it happen, not wanting to put it off for some other time that may never come.
i find myself missing the london life occasionally. so i look for something locally that reminds me of all the reasons we moved home.
my body has been resisting sleep – pulling me out of dreamless nights into the cold mornings before first light. tossing and turning, thoughts stampeding through my head.
i’m trusting my team, surrendering to the way we’re running towards a finish line that gets closer every day. sometimes i’ve wondered if we’ll make it, if i’ll make it with all my senses intact. but i know we’re all doing our best and when we get to the end we’ll all be able to say we’ve given it all we’ve got. and that will be enough.
physical self
i’m tired. and my shoulders keep rising up towards my chin. it’s requiring a lot of awareness to keep my breath steady and my mind calm at the moment with the culmination of a years worth of work very shortly to be shared with the customers we serve in my working life. my body is craving simple foods, uncomplicated rest and music to dance to. i am larger than life and too much for myself, spinning on the cusp of something that i haven’t figured out yet.
culture list
- read – a year of mornings: 3191 miles apart. the inspiration behind my own morning | evening project this month
- watched – carnival row
- seen – the light changing in the mornings as we shift towards summer. the blue hour accompanying us as we embark on our 40 minute ferry ride into the city during the week
- listened – pulse by ider might be my newest favourite song. found via brunch at audrey’s
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