the week in pictures

1, 2 & 3. there’s blossom everywhere in london now.
4. i wonder if that book was dusted off and placed in the front window of the antique and rare bookshop recently? almost seems in poor taste somehow…
5. i love the michelin building in brompton. so beautiful
6. that little green building in the bottom left corner of the photo on the right is one of the last remaining taxi driver’s tea shacks in london. they were build by the aristocracy in more affluent parts of london so there was always a taxi driver on hand when one needed one.
7. somewhere in chelsea. the beautiful buildings in london are one of the reasons i like it here
8. bunnykins egg cups also make great espresso cups!
9. i had a friend visit for the weekend and we checked out the local farmers market, buying some plants for our wee backyard.
10. a lovely stack of weekend reading…
11. mint. no idea what this shop sells, i just liked their sign
12. i’ve made friends with the sri lankan man at the corner store. he’s saving me all the tomatoes that he can no longer sell and i’m turning them into stuff (like this spicy tomato chutney). he gives me tomatoes, i give him some of whatever i make. result!
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