the weekend that was

+ friday evening dinner out with nic at one of the places on my london list. we had an amazing meal at the best table in the restaurant, in full view of the prep kitchen + another saturday lie in… we’ve had almost enough of them now to see it as a regular thing + a new blue dress + shopping for a gazebo for the backyard + and a backyard erection (ahem) + some rearranging of our outdoor space to make it feel even better than it did already + chilled white wine + bonobo on repeat and buying tickets to see him live in seattle in october + playing about with a new camera + bbq tuna steak for supper + dining alfresco + sharknado {tragic, yet strangely compelling} + a trip to north london on sunday morning for a shoe fitting + and i’m not too proud to admit that i mocked one of our friends mercilessly when he bought his vibram five fingers (sorry, joe) and now i own a pair and i already love them – they are the closest thing i have experienced to being able to walk barefoot in london + walking from our shoe fitting expedition along the parkland walk, and through highgate park, and queens park, to get to the leaving party of some friends returning to NZ + an afternoon & evening of catching ups, and goodbyes, and see you soons.
[weekending with amanda] – how was yours?
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