1 min read

the weekend that was

the weekend that was
I always make enough pizza so that we have a few slices left over to eat for breakfast on saturday

Homemade chicken & portobello mushroom pizzas drizzled with truffle oil on friday night + A weekend of people’ing that began with an early ferry into the city for brunch with a friend, fried chicken burgers washed down with a 0% Parrotdog beer at Nami record bar with Nic, curry night dinner and a sleepover at a friends place on Saturday night + That concluded with a hearty morning-after breakfast of croffles, bacon & eggs on Sunday morning + Cars, trains and ferry crossings + A new hoya cutting, gifted by a friend + A continuation of my daily 9-frames drawing practice + Bookended by movies: Twisters on Friday and The Thomas Crown Affair on Sunday (still a favourite of mine after all the years since it was remade) + Sunlight replacing shadows, doors flung open to more fully welcome the outside in + Creeping ever closer towards the days where the brightest of sunshine weaves its way into every horizon + The call and response of two ruru (nz native owls) punctuating the quiet darkness as I tossed & turned my way to sleep + Rituals & ceremonies that are reconnecting me with the creative parts of my self

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