the (previous) weekend that was

blind date with a book • paradox books, devonport, auckland

a date with myself on the cusp of the weekend — consisting of art galleries and book stores with comfy sofas, ferry rides and spicy fried chicken + engrossing myself for a second time in—the exquisitely written—where the crawdads sing by delia owens, borrowed from the library

new flowers in the garden, new books on my bedside table
three new books: one minute crying time by barbara ewing, another swimming book for my collection: where we swim by ingrid horrocks and days at the morisaki bookshop by satoshi yagisawa

cheese & rocket on the left, pumpkin & parmesan on the right
floradita’s cheese & rocket scones baked– for a lazy breakfast in bed with coffee—on saturday morning + nici wickes’ pumpkin & parmesan scones, baked fresh and shared with neighbours over coffee whilst still warm on sunday morning

we love you tokki!
an adventure by car, ferry and bus to a small restaurant called tokki in milford on auckland’s north shore that came highly recommended by an adorable friend + a truly remarkable multi-plate meal at that same small restaurant, with special attention from the chef & owner that made it feel truly memorable and left us wanting to go back for more + meatloaf in the oven and venison on the bbq + doors flung wide open to welcome the sunshine + summer dresses, shaken from their winter slumber, refreshed and ready to wear.
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