weekend photo journal

onetangi beach
01 nov // an early start to the weekend with a stop at a favourite bakery before a walk on the beach

home-made pizzas (salmon & courgette for nic, chicken & mushroom for me), devoured outdoors, by firelight

a saturday in the city, brunching with new friends, then a bbq lunch with old ones ...

whizzing around by bicycle in between our food-centric dates, running errands only possible off the island: a new bell for my bicycle, a hand strap and lens cap for my fuji x100t, brass hinges and a choice of handles for the door i ordered for our bedroom cupboard (i couldn't decide what shape to get, so i have three i can try once it arrives!)

yes, the yellow bike is mine • admiring the views of the harbour, north shore and rangitoto island in the distance
home for an early night + sunday morning doing breakfast and lunch prep for the coming week + blue skies and sunshine + frankincense & lemon in the oil burner

a cuddle of ducklings (not actually what they're called, but that's what they were doing)
sun dresses and bare feet + days at the morisaki bookshop: started, finished, and enjoyed + baby ducklings!
Stories from elsewhere
fire is an integral part of our survival. and, within tasmanian dreaming story, it was a gift. that was your obligation to share fire with others. so, even if they were someone who wasn’t a friend or family, you were still obliged to give them.
- aboriginal indigenous elder: aunty kris schaffer. from a girl’s guide, episode 1
- watching // one of my food heroines, analiese gregory, in season 1 of her documentary series a girl’s guide to hunting, fishing and wild cooking (and excited to learn there’s going to be a 2nd season)

- inspired // to make some more of analiese’s wakame butter (which i have made before) and use it for grilling scallops in their shells over the fire bowl (sometime very, very soon!)
- researching // foodie places to visit on bruny island (we have the izzy bar, the bruny baker, bruny island cheese & beer co., chocolate, honey and get shucked oysters the list).
- wondering // tassie aficionados, what are we missing?
how’s your week/end been?
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