weekends collected: an open invitation

This is an open invitation to you all to collaborate with me.
The idea is a collection of stories, gathered from all over the world. It is an invitation for everyone to record the spaces in between the last grand adventure and the next one. The ordinary (or extraordinary) moments that make up a weekend. Any weekend. This one, the last one, the one yet to be lived.
I’ve called it Weekends Collected
My dream for this online space is to collect stories of the times that are lived within the space of our arm’s reach… the places that are the source of our ‘humanness’… the foundations on which the rest of our life is built. The pieces of our life that quietly pass by – no grand adventures, no obviously meaningful exchanges. The moments where chores happen, we take our children to sports practise, we do our grocery shopping, go for a run, attend a weekend event, try something new or stay home and fold the laundry.
The moments we often perceive as everyday, boring, not worth telling about, are very often just the moments that someone else craves. These are the moments that make up our lives. These are weekends, collected.
I want for people from all around the globe to contribute: This is not exclusive… and it’s not just for people who have their own blogs, in fact a lot of people this invitation has gone out to, don’t have any kind of online presence.
So if you know someone (or know someone who knows someone!) who would like to submit something, then they would be welcome to email me their submissions too. For all the details and submission guidelines, please visit the about page
There’s a book I’ve been reading recently where the author says:
We’re accustomed to not seeing what is so near to us; we do not need to look at things that are at hand, because they are at hand every day. That is what makes home so safe and so appealing, that we do not need to look at it.
I want for us to look; to really notice things that have become familiar, to shine light on the exquisite ordinariness of lives, well-lived.
Please will you join us?
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