weekly top-10 list *

- Just in case you have one, check out these 13 Tips for Dealing With a Really Lousy Day.
- Or see what Mark Twain has to say about living an extraordinary life
- Or you could just watch this: Cheap flights. Feckin’ hilarious. Specially if you have EVER travelled on RyanAir
- And also on the happiness note,
That’s the best revenge of all: happiness. Nothing drives people crazier than seeing someone have a good fucking life.
– Chuck Palahniuk - moustache monday still lives! it has a whole site of it’s own
- need some space? longing for the great outdoors? will this do ya?
- want some free textures? check out this fabulous collection from design cookbook. not into textures? how about typography?
- if you have an apple, and i have an apple….
- you don’t need a lot of space to grow stuff: something for the weekend. No cellaphane, no chlorine, no refrigeration, no food miles.
- and on the same note: from orchards, fields & gardens: art and rememberings celebrating sustainable agriculture and good food. with money going to seed savers exchange and the american farmland trust
- and a bonus fun thing (use a decent browser like Chrome or Firefox for this): the letter heads. (thanks to nic for this one)
happy friday everyone!
* disclaimer: this may not actually happen weekly. just sayin’
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