a few favourites

listening | Ta-ku + Cereal – Flight Track – Vol.1 and Vol. 2 + in her room podcasts by sara blackthorne – women writers on life, craft and changing the world
admiring | the genius behind this beautiful visual guide to formal, informal, and accompaniment place settings
dreaming | of cocoa & dandelion root truffles (with freshly ground organic coffee) <– are you reading this nic?
reading | “you want easy? take up stamp collecting” – notes on feeding the creative hunger by my friend David duChemin + A customer walked into his pizza shop and changed Philadelphia with $1 and a single Post-it note.
loving | the worlds first octographer – at sealife aquarium in new zealand! an octopus is trained to take photos of aquarium visitors + the instagram photos of new zealand (& other places) made by helena sofia + the new bowndling guides
buying | stuff from the creative market. like the lovely helena font. now i want the boho family of fonts and the brush up font and the manifold font!
thinking | we rarely suffer from any kind of ailments (colds, flu etc.) but i am tempted to give this antibiotic recipe a try anyway as it sounds delicious!
training | for the queenstown half-marathon in november this year (though i haven’t fully committed to it yet, by actually entering)!!
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