a space for scraps

by bradmontague | buy a copy of the print from here
with a world in crisis bring with it a global awakening? will it bring us closer together in virtual communities of light even as we witness a new darkness and are asked to physically distance ourselves from each other?
i love alex franzen’s list of 50 ways to be ridiculously generous — and feel ridiculously good (that don’t require much time or money).
Your choices, your efforts, and your contributions do matter. Checking in with an elder. Teaching a class. Releasing your new song, drawing, essay, any kind of art, to add beauty to the world and soothe weary spirits. Purchasing. Donating. Doing. Even just listening. It all helps. It all matters. Often, more than you think.
from am i overthinking this? by michelle rial
Poetry for Tumultuous Times at onbeing.org
Poets are always prophets in unsettled times and places, and they are here for us now.
french castle mail art by naomi bulger
naomi bulger has put 38 free mail-art templates from 2 years of newsletters into one email for her subscribers. i am happy to forward it to you if you leave me a comment saying you’d like it.
stay safe out there, friends
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