postcards from a sunday adventure

dear friends,
the weather here has been beautiful recently and we thought we’d make the most of it on sunday with a day trip out of london…
we caught the train to brighton, picked up a streetcar, then collected our friend debz.
nic has been wanting to see the long man of wilmington for years, ever since seeing arthur c. clarke’s mysterious world. it’s only about 30 minutes by car from brighton so we headed there first…
long man of wilmington, polaroid sun 600 & expired film
before hopping back in the car & driving to the lovely camber sands beach. we had a picnic, then went for a walk along the beach. the water was surprisingly warm, so debz went for a swim while i lamented leaving my bathers in the car – i ended up soaked anyway, despite not technically going for a swim!
camber sands beach, polaroid sun 600 & expired film
nic was fascinated by all the kite surfers, out taking advantage of the 25-30 knot winds…
kite surfers, camber sands beach. polaroid sun 600 & expired film
we even had time on the way back to brighton to stop at birling gap for a quick pint and a glorious view of the seven sisters.
seven sisters, white chalk cliffs as seen from birling gap. polaroid sun 600 & expired film
being near the sea is a way for me to re-charge my batteries. simply digging my toes in the sand, or standing letting the waves wash around me makes me feel grounded, calm, happy.
my american sentence to describe the day
salty legs, damp clothes, sandy hair, twelve polaroids – smile wide as the sun.
with love,
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