castaway's choice

castaway’s choice: 8 LP boxed set – seen in a charity shop window today. (polaroid sx-70, 779 film)
i almost bought this box set of eight records today… but we don’t have a record player.
and, if i had purchased these LP’s i would have felt compelled to buy a portable turntable.
then i would have felt that purchase totally justified me being able to pack a picnic, walk to my lounge and setup on the floor (because it’s raining outside).
and then, i would have had to play every album until i’d listened to the whole lot.
instead i took a photograph and left them in the window. that’s a whole lotta time and money saved right there people.
a lucky escape (even if it wasn’t to a tropical island).
i could do with some new music to listen to right now…
recent favourites:
anyone got some future listening suggestions for me?
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