
(image inspired by my friends wendy and david)
- I can ride a horse bareback or with a saddle, have flown a plane, ridden a Segway multiple times (we had one in our office a few jobs back), been for a ride in a hot air balloon, driven a tractor, been both white and black water rafting and jack-knifed a quad bike trying to reverse it with a trailer on the back. But I can’t ski.
- I have dreams in which I can breathe underwater. Sometimes they linger after waking for a while and I start thinking that it just might be possible. I got my diving certificate so I could experience it in a small way and the ocean’s tides and the call of the sea remain a constant in my energy fields.
- Living in the city often means I lose sight of who I really am. A trip to the sea, or the country, or to wander barefoot through a park, or (if I’m really stuck) just standing barefoot on the grass usually sets me straight. Deep and real conversations with friends will do it too.
- I often wish I could be invisible; or at least pass by unnoticed.
- I wish I’d paid more attention to the things my mother has to teach me. I’m trying to make up for lost time and it seems impossible.
* this list prompted by five fact friday, found via my friend xanthe – what would yours be?
** for other lists of five, check out angie’s 5fives
*** i am still accepting contributions for weekends collected. everyone is welcome. really, everyone. tell us about yours.
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