plastic magpie

playing with the holga recently has me all excited about playing with old film and old cameras
i have 3 rolls of expired (in 1970!) film in my fridge and have plans for it now…
one roll is going to go straight into an old box brownie (that travelled with me to squam to do hula’s ttv class) and one roll i’m going to re-spool on to a 120 spool and put it in a holga. the third will go in whichever one gives me the best (if any) results.
on a recent trip to edinburgh, i found this beauty (a kodak baby brownie special) in a vintage shop. it takes 127 film – not something i just pop down to the local camera store for (or take a roll in for processing).
thanks to the power of the internets, i have found a place in the uk that sells 127 film. i’ve found another company called plastic magpie (i love them for their name alone) who also sell film (but sadly don’t have what i need) that will carefully process it for me.
am i gonna?
yes i’m gonna.
any of you still have film cameras you use regularly? tried any expired film? will you share your results?
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