postcards from bristol

so, me and husband are both big banksy fans. and when we heard that he had an exhibition on his hometown of bristol, we thought we’d better check it out.
we got up early and caught the train over, arrived about midday and stood in a queue for about 45 minutes to enter the museum. it was quite definitely worth the wait. the crowds were massive and it took a bit of patience to get a clear shot of anything on the ground floor. a lot of shots, like this one, just required me to stand and wait for a few minutes and be ready to shoot quickly!
there was stuff hidden in parts of every floor of the museum and it was like playing some weird game of treasure hunt.
we found an interesting exhibit in with the fine bone china
and a fascinating specimen in the stalagtite and stalagmite display
there was a whole room full of animations, including a disturbing tweety bird, that blinked slowly
and a gorilla contemplating his painting, whose face moved so subtly that i didn’t notice it at first (i wonder how many other people wandered by without noticing the expressions)
fantastic day out. people of england, if you love bansky, you’re gonna love this.
more photos up on flickr of course
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