the me of now
1. small details
2. tree textures
3. bringing nature inside
4. j.m.w turner: the ‘skies’ sketchbook
5. creamy
a space for scraps
by bradmontague | buy a copy of the print from here
with a world in crisis bring with it a global
the me of now
a survey of present interests, curiosities, recurring themes… a space for a short list of some front-burner items:
1. morning
a recent inventory
a sight // kereru (pigeon) feathers
a smell // line-dried laundry
a sound // our local ruru (native owl) claiming its territory at
the past month
NARRATIVE // you run into a friend you haven’t seen in a while — “what’s been going on with you?
today, the end of the weekend, and the continuation of a remembrance – how our bodies love to move, to run,
a survey of present interests, curiosities, recurring themes…
1. morning swims
2. making summer fruit shrubs and drinking vinegar sodas
a recent inventory
a sight // pohutukawa blooms + the crimson carpet they lay at our feet at this time of year
a smell // i
the me of now
a survey of present interests, curiosities, recurring themes … a short list of current fascinations
1. books on writing. like truth
a recent inventory
a sight // powell’s city of books! a book-lovers nirvana + the city of portland, as seen from the taqueria on