10 things

canon 5d mkii, 50mm f/1.4
years ago, when i was in a rather large emotional hole, i pulled out all the tools i’d learned in my life so far, in an attempt to get myself out of bed every morning. one of those things was a simple piece of lined paper, numbered from 1-10 with a title at the top “10 things i am grateful for today”. some days i couldn’t find 10 things, so i wrote one, 10 times down the page.
skip forward, about 10 years, to today. i still use this tool whenever my life seems out of control, overwhelming, unbearable. so i’m very happy and grateful to discover that Michelle GD is hosting a gratitude week this week. it is bringing me back to this practise. because i have so many things to be grateful for.
10 things i am grateful for today
- all the colours of autumn
- coffee brought to me in bed while i’m still drowsy from sleep
- the 25 minute walk to the tube in the morning with my beloved. time to chat, hold hands & just be together before/as our working day begins
- water
- a warm house
- boiled eggs
- merino wool
- cookery books
- a woman called Rene; one of the first of the wise ones to show me the way back to myself
- a trip to the countryside to look forward to
what are you grateful for today?
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