the weekend that was

wharncliffe viaduct, brent valley. iphone 4s + vsco cam
+ this weekend felt like the perfect combination of seeing people, exercise and lazing about + dinner friday night with joe, jeanine and friends to celebrate joe’s birthday + a deliciously long lie-in on saturday morning + pimms in st james’ park with paul & hannah on saturday afternoon + sas & ash over for bbq dinner at our place + home-made elderflower pressé + a long, relaxed cycle around some of the grand union canal & london’s capital ring sunday morning/afternoon + not watching where i was going, having my front wheel hit a bump, falling off into a stretch of freshly cut nettles & thorns + a pint of cider and a late lunch at the black lion + cycle tan (and some sunburn) + hanging the hammocks in the back yard and parking ourselves in them for the remainder of the afternoon, complete with nz sauvignon blanc and a good book + pizza for supper
[weekending with amanda] – how was yours?
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