1 min read

the weekend that was

the weekend that was

MusicAtMatua_Polaroid-SX70_Impossible-PX70_leoniewise-3 MusicAtMatua_Polaroid-SX70_Impossible-PX70_leoniewise-1 MusicAtMatua_Polaroid-SX70_Impossible-PX70_leoniewise-2 MusicAtMatua_Polaroid-SX70_Impossible-PX70_leoniewise-4 MusicAtMatua_Polaroid-SX70_Impossible-PX70_leoniewise-5 MusicAtMatua_Polaroid-SX70_Impossible-PX70_leoniewise-6

polaroid sx-70, impossible project px-70 film.
all photos made at music at matuathanks loop recordings, it was an amazing afternoon


five photos submitted to a photographers gallery for exhibition later this year (hopefully)
friends over for dinner friday night
duck prosciutto on the make
music at matua
some old favourite bands – SJD and trinity roots
and some new favourites – laughton kora’s solo act and the lovely duo that is Joseph & Maia
dinner at the tasting shed with friends saturday night
an offer on a house (fingers & toes crossed)
asking for help
morning meditations
dancing, barefoot
a walk in totara park
an afternoon swim

[weekending with amanda] – how was yours?