1 min read

the weekend that was

the weekend that was


+ one that started on friday for the mister’s birthday… paleo red velvet cupcakes & coffee in bed, lunch at villa maria vineyard café with his parents, into town for dinner at depot eatery with friends

+ a visit to the doctor for a dressing change – stitches come out next wednesday (hopefully!)

+ saturday morning lingerie shopping for me, coding for him

+ conversation and a tipple or two in the sunshine with two lovely friends in the afternoon

+ winning a meat-pack in a raffle at the pub

+ pizza for dinner on the sofa watching house of cards

+ a niece needing somewhere to stay… re-arranging the lounge at 10pm to put up the air mattress

+ there might have been a little bit of pinterest

+ and there’s always quite a lot of espresso

+ a sunday morning scouring the internet for a new place for the niece, an afternoon checking a couple of them out

+ nettle tea

+ a late afternoon nap

+ chicken for dinner with home-made spicy rub

[weekending with amanda]