the weekend that was
start here: clean the house, hand-wash the floors, pour love into all the creases and corners. drive to the ferry, hug brother + sister-in-law + husband. stop for milk. porter guests bags to the cabin in the woods and leave them to get settled. assemble a platter of cheese, chutney, home-made dip, cornichons. eat, get reacquainted. the scent of lavender. lamb shanks & colcannon. wake up while it’s still dark, put workout gear on (forget to include socks and regret it later when running around on frosty fields). drop guests at the beach and get to the sports park for bootcamp. give it your all, but feel like it was an off-morning (even whilst still making it to the top of the firebreak because no way no how was not making it an option). be lovingly reminded of what’s happening in the coming week and to be kind to my future self. keep going. sing. breakfast. market. find a bargain and buy it. get out into the sunshine and warmth of the day. wrap up warm though as it’s cold in the shadows. power cuts. changed plans. more family visiting. laughter. go to bed early and sleep in late. warm days, cold nights. coffee in bed. then more coffee out. five deep breaths. take a drive, go for a walk, show them how special it is here and places you love. firelight, slippers, cups of tea and ginger cake. baked camembert with thyme honey. rest. take a risk: introduce them to something new. island bay. the dawn chorus. heart conversations. reminisce. discuss the future. eat lunches outdoors. save room for gelato. drop them at the ferry and hug each other. savour.
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