the weekend that was

End the one-extra-day work week on a different continent than the one you call home. Stay in. Sleep. Put on your running gear + your new tech and take to the urban trails. Drink espresso, then explore downtown Seattle’s underground with a guy named Jacob. Have lunch in Occidental square and wish you’d tried the mexican place instead. Walk 1st Ave to Pike Place Market.Have your heart broken by something you see, then stop and appreciate all the good (and not so good) things in your own life. People watch. Walk. Go to places that remind you of London (but not in a good way). Cancel your dinner plans. Ride the wild night by breathing in and out and listening to your heart beat. Wake, relieved that it’s over. Wash last night from your skin. Eat black market kimchi. Send a text message to your sisters, half a world away. Make more coffee. Get out into the day. Take an uber + a ferry. Explore an island in the northern hemishphere. Encounter someone who’s been to yours.
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