gratitude & gifts

it’s my birthday and
i want someone else to get the gifts…
ask my beloved and he’ll tell you i inherited the pack rat gene from my father…
over time, as i learn more about myself i realise that the reasons i have hung onto things historically are no longer true for the person i have become.
now i live from a place of abundance…
because i have learned that the more i give, the more joy and other wonders i invite into my life…
because i am learning the difference between want and need…
because i have so much and i am grateful for all of it.
so… today, i would like to give a couple of things away.
we are blessed to have been kiva loaners for a while now and it brings us immense joy to see others flourish because of our small contributions. today, i would like to giveaway a gift certificate worth $25 so someone else can change a life.
i would like to give away a photoblock valued at $20. this print is currently not for sale in my etsy shop though may be listed there in future. block dimensions: 95mm x 95mm x 19mm
wheatfields, polaroid
(will be slightly cropped to fit)
if you would like to be considered for these gifts, please think about all that you are thankful for in your life and leave a comment here listing five things you are grateful for today.
please feel free to share this with anyone you think would also like to be entered into the giveaway.
i will do the gratitude draw at the end of the week and email the winners.
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