11 . 8
When did we crank our hearts down to f/22, lest the light get in?
And other thoughtful words from
11 . 7
today is a bread day. i’ve got a 20% rye sourdough mother, carefully tended since coming back to new
11 . 6
sand between my toes from a beach walk before work feels like a tiny act of defiance before making my
11 . 5
We walk past this restaurant every morning. This was the first time in months that the lights were on and
11 . 4
Furniture differences between when my parents first moved out of home and now continue to amaze me. Heavy, dark-stained wooden
11 . 3
Morning disco, commuter style: refracted light, pulsing on the ceiling like a laser-light show.
Refuse to succumb to heartbreak.
11 . 2
summer is definitely coming… short sleeves, bare feet and blossom-laden fruit trees tell me so.
same walk + different perspective + right
like two skinny legs without any knees month 11 wanders in and takes me by surprise
we drink dry prosecco
if it makes you happy, it's not a waste of time
thoughts on happiness and shirin-yoku (forest bathing) whilst out for a walk
whilst in london i bought a holga diana + plastic lens that fits on my 5d mkii
i put it on