31-days. a(nother) subscriber-only project
september 2015
wanting to do something fun that people can opt in to, i put out a call here, on
bad weather
there’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.
― alfred wainwright, a coast to coast walk
i found some tiny (90ml) duralex gigogne glasses in a local charity shop last year. they’re the perfect size
we are finally absorbed into the ritual and rhythm of the christmas break, a week after finishing work for the
the me of now
* candycane-striped twine
* dandelion clock in a beer bottle
* a catalyst for change
* contemplating the word “replete” during my morning commute
weekend correspondence
saturday morning • bob moses on repeat • the oven cooling after an early morning croissant bake • i discover hilarious and inspiring
20 x 365/6 married to nic wise today
couldn’t have asked for someone better to travel with
found objects: a story about community + a steamed pudding recipe
ten years ago, when we were still living in the uk, i was asked to contribute to a book – one
kayaking at the bottom end
yesterday we dusted off the kayaks and banished all the spiders ready to head down to the bottom end of
a list for 2022
* reflective mode
* elemental
* discretionary focus
* small steps leading to seismic shifts
* writing
* garment luxuries
* where faith and fear meet